• By: Vujinovic Nebojsa
  • Date: February 10, 2022
  • Time to read: 3 min.

can dogs eat shallots?

Shallots, which are often referred to as little onions, are a great addition to salads, dressings, and other recipes where a milder, more delicate flavor is required. Many people aren’t surprised to find that shallots are in the same family as onions and garlic, the allium family. While they add delicious flavor to our meals, many people might wonder if they can spice up their dog’s dinners with this little veggie. Read on to find out what experts say about giving shallots to your furry family members and wether dogs can eat shallots safely?

Can Dogs Eat Shallots? 

The jury is out, and the verdict is a big, fat NO. As mentioned previously, shallots are in the allium family, along with onions, garlic, chives, leeks, etc. All of these are quite toxic to dogs and can cause unwanted reactions and even death in some cases.

Health Benefits of Shallots For Dogs

When it comes to humans eating shallots, there are several health benefits, including reducing the risks of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. However, our four-legged companions will not reap these same benefits, as shallots are toxic to them, and it is NOT recommended that they consume them. That being said, there are ZERO health benefits when it comes to dogs ingesting them.

How To Feed Shallots To Dogs

Simply put, don’t. Make sure that if you have shallots that they are out of reach of your pet. Some dogs are known counter surfers and won’t think twice about jumping up and grabbing a mouthful of shallots for a snack because they certainly don’t know any better.

Additionally, if you are cooking with shallots, take extra care to keep an eye on your ingredients and try not to drop any on the floor where your dog is most likely to be lingering because, well, you’re cooking and where there’s food, your dog is most likely to be there.

Why Shallots Can Be Bad For Dogs

Shallots are in the allium family, and any vegetable in this family is toxic to dogs. The reason is that they all contain N-propyl disulfide and other organosulfoxides, which damage the red blood cell’s hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is what transports oxygen in our blood to the lungs and other tissues. Basically, what happens is the organosulfoxides cause oxidative hemolysis and cause the red blood cells to rupture. It’s also important to note that they pose the same threat whether shallots are raw, cooked, or powdered.

According to experts, dogs ingesting more than 0.5% of their body weight in shallots can cause toxicity. Usually, it takes a few days before symptoms start to show, but if a dog has ingested a large amount, symptoms can start to present within a day. Some signs of allium toxicity include vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, pale gums, and even collapse and death in more severe cases, especially left untreated.

What Can You Give Your Dog Instead of Shallots?

If you’re looking to give your dog some healthy treats in the form of veggies, some safe options include carrots, celery, cucumbers, and green beans. They’re great raw, pureed, steamed; basically, anyway your dog enjoys them!

Are Dogs Allergic To Shallots?

In this case, the issue is not allergy-related but a toxicity issue. Shallots are not healthy or safe for dogs in any form and should be treated as if they ingested a poisonous substance.

What To Do If Your Dog Eats Shallots?

If you realize that your dog has eaten shallots, you should contact your vet immediately. They will most likely ask you a few questions, such as your dog’s weight, the number of shallots they have consumed, and when it happened.

In cases where more significant amounts have been consumed, they might have you come in to induce vomiting, administer IV or SQ fluids (fluids that go under the skin), suggest bloodwork or hospitalization, and in the most severe cases, do a blood transfusion.

Many different variables come into play in this situation, and that’s why you must contact your vet or an emergency vet as soon as possible.

Can Dog Eat Shallots – Our Final Verdict!

As delicious as shallots are, it’s not something that our four-legged, tail-wagging buddies should consume. Sticking to a list of dog-friendly veggies and fruits or treats made specifically for dogs will ensure that your best friend will be by your side for years to come.

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