• By: Vujinovic Nebojsa
  • Date: April 21, 2022
  • Time to read: 3 min.

Suddenly the thought of eating fried rice came to my mind yesterday. So, without wasting any more time, I told my mother to make the delicious dish. While I was there in the kitchen helping my mother, a piece of scallion slipped on the floor.

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And, my dog didn’t wait for a second. He jumped and ate it quickly. I stood and watched. So far I know, I never fed my pet with onions. But, can dogs eat scallions? Or, is it poisonous for them? Let’s find out.

can dogs eat scallions?

Can dogs eat scallions?

Dogs can’t eat scallions. That’s because scallions or otherwise called green onions are toxic for dogs. Also, they are toxic for animals such as cats and horses. Scallions contain a chemical compound called n-propyl disulfide.

It is a kind of substance that does significant damage to your dog’s red blood cells. Moreover, dogs don’t have any kind of enzyme to digest this chemical compound. As a result, it can build up and harm your pet dog.

Are there health benefits associated with scallions for dogs?

Apart from their aroma and flavor, scallions have many health benefits if you consume them in moderation. But these benefits are for humans and not for pet animals, especially for dogs. You should completely avoid giving your pet dog scallions. Or else, there could be undesirable consequences.

Why scallions could be bad for dogs?

When dogs eat scallions in small amounts repeatedly for some time or eat a large amount in a single serving, it might attract a lot of problems. Some of the symptoms you can see because of scallion consumption include shortness of breath, lethargy, rapid heartbeat, weakness, abdominal pain, and vomiting or diarrhea.

The red blood cells get affected and a dangerous process called hemolysis starts. And, if the condition isn’t treated by a vet, dogs develop Heinz body anemia, or hemolytic anemia because of the damage to the red blood cells.

What is the right way to feed scallions to dogs?

You should keep in your mind that every part of scallions is harmful to your dog’s health. Every part is poisonous including the skin, flesh, leaves, or even the juice. Whether it is cooked or raw, never feed scallions to your pet. Simply avoid it if you want a healthy life for your dog.

How many scallions can you give to your pet dog?

As said, whether cooked or raw or in any form, you should keep scallions away from your pet. There is plenty of nutritious food for your pet. So, look out for those and make a well-balanced diet for your furry friend. However, remember that if your pet consumes scallions about 0.5% of their body weight, toxicity might happen.

What foods can your dog eat other than scallions?

There is no shortage of foods for dogs and you can give almost every food in moderation to them. Boiled rice, meat, fish, a few vegetables, and fruits work great for dogs. Take advice from a vet about the diet structure and follow accordingly.

Are dogs allergic to scallions?

Yes, dogs are allergic to scallions if they eat too much of them. It is wise never to give your pet scallions and keep them out of reach. It is toxic for your dog.

What should you do if your dog eats scallions?

If you come to know that your dog ate a considerable amount of scallions, contact your vet immediately. If you have a small dog breed, even a small amount can be potent. Your vet will evaluate the condition and decide whether any treatment is needed.

The dog’s stomach could be flushed to eliminate traces of toxins or induce vomiting. Activated charcoal is used to absorb the toxin on the stomach. The toxins are flushed from the bloodstream while maintaining proper hydration.

Can dogs with diabetes eat scallions?

All kinds of dogs regardless of diabetes or not should stay away from scallions. Don’t forget that in extreme emergency cases, your pet might even require to spend some days in a veterinary hospital. All these issues won’t happen if you don’t give scallions to your pet.


Never give your dog scallions and to make sure that they don’t eat them, keep the vegetable in a safe place where your dog can’t reach. Immediately consult with your vet in case your pet ate scallions even in small amounts.


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