Cucumbers have important nutrients that are beneficial for the body in many aspects. They have antioxidant properties AND are low in calories and also contain lots of water and fiber aiding in weight loss.
Can dogs eat cucumbers?
Yes, cucumbers are a healthy, low-calorie treat that your dog will enjoy. Cucumbers are not only safe for dogs to consume, but they should be included in their diet due to their numerous health benefits.
Many dogs enjoy the crunch of the skin and the refreshing rush of juicy insides, which can help keep them hydrated as well as full.
Cucumbers are naturally low in salt and fat. It’s because of this that it’s a safe treat for your pet.
Health benefits of cucumbers for dogs
- Excellent source of water that will aid dogs in hydration
- Rich with Vitamin K that will help in strengthening the bones of the dogs
- Help improve bad breath in dogs
- Great at weight loss / management
- Can help with constipation
Why can cucumbers be bad for dogs?
Cucumbers can be bad for the dogs as feeding them in large quantities may result in choking along with overeating. It may also create gastrointestinal problems which can upset dogs’ stomach. It is better to give cucumbers in small amounts to avoid the above problems.
What foods can you give to your dog instead of cucumbers?
Apart from cucumbers, dogs can safely eat carrot sticks along with beans and baked potatoes .
Are dogs allergic to cucumbers?
No, dogs are not allergic to cucumbers, but be mindful of portion control when feeding your dog cucumbers.