• By: Vujinovic Nebojsa
  • Date: April 21, 2022
  • Time to read: 3 min.

A few days back, I was at home and watching my favorite TV show. Because I was starving for some time, I thought that why not fill my tummy. So, I went to the kitchen and start looking in the fridge.

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Suddenly my eyes went to blue cheese and I picked up a handful. While I was busy doing the stuff, I didn’t notice that my Maltese was gazing at me. Our eyes matched and I was like whether or not to give a small bite to my pet. Can dogs eat blue cheese? Should I give?

can dogs eat blue cheese?

Can dogs eat blue cheese?

It is best to keep your dog away from blue cheeses such as Roquefort and stilton. Like other types of dairy products, pet dogs find it hard to break down cheese. The funguses that are used to make blue cheese produce a substance that can be sensitive for dogs. It can cause diarrhea, high temperature, and vomiting. If the dog eats a big bite, the dangers are even higher.


Are there health benefits of eating blue cheese for dogs?

It is not good for the dog’s health to eat blue cheese. That’s because of the toxic substance present in them. While the health benefits derived from eating blue cheese are many, it is limited to humans. Because blue cheese isn’t recommended for dogs, the health benefits won’t be of any use to them.

Why blue cheese can be bad for dogs?

Consumption of blue cheese can cause vomiting and diarrhea with excessive body temperature. And, if your dog ate them in a large chunk, it can cause seizures. The substance present in blue cheese called Roquefortine C is responsible for that. So, avoid blue cheese at any cost for your pet dog.


How to feed blue cheese to dogs?

While cheese isn’t toxic or poisonous to dogs, even the blue ones, but it should be avoided. The only way for your dog to stay healthy is to provide a balanced diet. However, not all dogs react to eating blue cheese. And, if confirmed by your vet, you can feed blue cheese to your dog in small amounts as treats cut into small cubes.

How much blue cheese should your dog have?

Again, it is best to avoid blue cheese. That’s because you don’t want to be in a situation where you might witness your pet in a horrible physical condition. You should know that not all dogs have a weak stomach. And, if your vet allows you to feed blue cheese in moderation, you can feed them in small quantities advised by your vet.

Foods that you can give to your dog instead of blue cheese?

Most of the foods that humans consume are beneficial to a dog’s health. But they should be given in small amounts as suggested by your vet. The foods include white rice, fish, chicken, carrot, apples, blueberries, bananas, green beans, pork, turkey, and some dairy products. Uncooked meat, raw eggs, bread dough, and salty food should be avoided.

Are dogs allergic to blue cheese?

Yes, sometimes pet dogs are allergic to dairy products, especially blue cheese. That’s why it is recommended not to give blue cheese to dogs. If your pet has a strong digestive system, it won’t cause an issue. But, most of the time your dog can suffer from vomiting, high body temperature, and diarrhea.

What happens when your dog eats blue cheese?

If your dog ate a small piece of blue cheese, it might not cause serious problems. But if it was a large chunk, there could be consequences. Watch out for your dog’s behavior and if the situation worsens, the best way out is to visit a vet. With the right medication, your dog will be fine.

Can diabetic dogs eat blue cheese?

If your dog has diabetes, you have to watch out for the foods included in the diet. In such situations, blue cheese should be out of the balanced diet chart. So, you have to keep a close eye on your pet so that it doesn’t have even a small piece of blue cheese.

Can dogs eat blue cheese – final verdict!

So, never give your pet dog blue cheese because it makes them ill. And, if your pet is suffering from vomiting, diarrhea, and sickness, seek emergency veterinary medicine.


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