• By: Vujinovic Nebojsa
  • Date: April 21, 2022
  • Time to read: 4 min.

In my childhood home, there was a huge tamarind tree in the yard. My childhood summers were full of adventures with that particular tree. My friends and I played around that tree day in and day out and when we got hungry, we picked out the fruits and went to town eating them. We ate them raw and even savored the green and sour pulp of young fruits.

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Lately, I craved for the juicy and acidic taste of tamarind so I asked my mom to buy a few pieces for me from the local market. Childhood nostalgia washed over me as I opened the hard, brown shell and smelled the unmistakable tamarind smell. My walk along memory lane was interrupted by a warm sensation in my leg. As always, my dog wants to get some piece of the action. So, can dogs eat tamarind?

can dogs eat tamarind?

Can dogs eat tamarind?

If consumed in its natural state and in healthy amounts, tamarind fruit can be a healthy fruit for dogs. It has a potential to be beneficial to your dog because of the vitamins and antioxidants it contains.

But before we proceed, what is a tamarind anyway? It is a leguminous tree that bears brown pod-like fruits that contain tangy and sweet pulp. The tree has multiple uses and is being cultivated around the globe. The fruit is a pod with a hard, brown shell covering an acidic, juicy and fleshy pulp that is green when young then brown or reddish brown when matured.


Health benefits of tamarind for dogs?

Constipation Relief

Because of its potent malic and tartaric acid content, tamarind is considered as a natural laxative. Canine constipation can be a result of many factors including hormonal diseases, anxiety and of course, ingestion of indigestible substances. Tamarinds have the potential to provide constipation relief.

Immunity Booster

With the high amounts of antioxidants and vitamin C, feeding tamarind to your dogs can boost their immune system and helps fight off infections.

Weight Management and Control

For those with dogs in the heavier side, tamarinds can be potentially useful in suppressing appetite. Consuming tamarind can stimulate the release of serotonin in humans and there are promising signs that it can also aid weight loss in dogs. Tamarind was also found to increase the level of good cholesterol while lowering the bad cholesterol content in blood plasma.

Joint Pain and Inflammation Relief

Canine gout, arthritis, joint pain and inflammation are real threats to our furry friends. Tamarind contains Lupeol that has powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties that helps alleviate these threats.

Lower Blood Sugar

According to a study, diabetic rats benefited from ingesting tamarind by lowering their blood sugar levels. Tamarind may help diabetic dogs to produce healthy amounts of insulin.

Why tamarind can be bad for dogs?

The main concern about tamarind fruit is it contains high levels of tannins that can be harmful to you dog. Consumption of high levels of tannins can cause fever, vomiting, abdominal pain and increased heart rate.

In addition, tamarinds have higher calorie count than other fruits which might be counterproductive if you are looking to control your dog’s calorie intake.

Also, dogs suffering from sore throat should avoid sour food or juice as it may worsen their condition.


How to feed tamarind to dogs?

As always, care should be taken in introducing new food to your dog. Moderation is always the key when feeding tamarind to your fur babies. Choose the fresh and mature variety (brown) and peel off the hard, brown shell. Remove the seeds and only give the pulp to your dog.

How Many Tamarinds Can A Dog Get?

Moderate quantity is considered to be any amount not more than 40 grams per single meal. Anything more than that may result to digestive problems such as diarrhea.

What Foods Can You Give To Your Dog Instead Of Tamarinds?

Now if your dog is allergic to tamarind or just simply doesn’t fancy its tangy taste, other healthy fruits can be served instead such as pineapples, apples, banana and mango among others. Again, be mindful of the amount. Everything should be in moderation.

Are Dogs Allergic To Tamarinds?

Yes, some dogs can be allergic to tamarind. That’s why it is very important to observe and see if any abnormal symptom is present after giving tamarind to your dog, especially when its their first time eating it. It is always a good idea to consult your vet before introducing tamarind to your dog’s diet in order to avoid any ill effects.

However, if you have already fed them and observed abnormal effects, proceed immediately to your nearest animal care center for proper medical intervention.

Can dogs eat tamarind – final verdict!

Some of us humans love tamarind because of its unique sweet and sour taste and some of our beloved dogs might fancy sharing that love too. We might be tempted to share them with our dogs, however, bear in mind that their physical composition is vastly different from ours. It can’t be denied that tamarind fruit has many health benefits to offer but again, its is very important to observed moderation. and be vigilant for adverse side effects. After all, its our responsibility to look out for them.


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