• By: Vujinovic Nebojsa
  • Date: February 10, 2022
  • Time to read: 3 min.

can dogs eat chives?

Chives are well-known members of the Alium species like leeks, onions, and garlic, and they have been in use for hundreds of years. They are not only used for culinary purposes, but chives also form a critical aspect of ornamental decorations in gardens. But are they good for your dogs, or do they cause allergic reactions in the physiological systems of your pup? 

Can dogs eat chives

No, chives are not something your dog should consume. Even though small amounts of chives will not harm a dog’s health, any amount greater than 0.5 percent of their body weight is likely to cause toxicity and even poisoning. These herbs are harmful to your dog’s health whether they are consumed raw, cooked, or in powder form. This rule also applies to other members of the allium family. Furthermore, some dog breeds, such as the Shiba Inu and Akita, are more susceptible to chive poisoning than others.

Health benefits of chives for dogs

The presence of organosulfides in these plants can cause the destruction of red blood cells, resulting in anemia in dogs. Because cooking or drying cannot break down these chemical compounds in chives, it is best to avoid feeding them at all.

How to feed chives to dogs? 

If you’re wondering if your dog can eat chives, you should know that they’re poisonous to them. As a result, you should avoid feeding it to your pet, as well as other members of the allium genus. If you grow chives in your garden, you should also keep your dog away from the spices and condiments, as well as the fresh herbs.

Why can chives be bad for dogs? 

Because of the presence of n-propyl disulfide, chives are toxic to your dog. Organosulfides cause oxidative damage to red blood cells, increasing the likelihood of rupture. Furthermore, chives contain compounds that cause red blood cell dilation as well as excessive relaxation of heart muscles, resulting in low blood pressure and decreased efficiency of the heart to pump blood.

What foods can you give to your dog instead of chives? 

If you’re wondering if dogs can eat chives, you should look for other herbs to add flavor to their homemade treats. Some of the healthy flavoring agents for your dog include oregano, rosemary, peppermint, basil, and parsley. You can use these raw or cooked for a mild flavor boost and a viable way to add some healthy nutrients to their diet. The antioxidants and flavonoids found in these herbs help dogs’ immune systems function better and combat some common health problems associated with aging. However, you should be very careful with portion sizes and limit yourself to a teaspoon at most.

Are dogs allergic to chives? 

Dogs are not only allergic to chives, but they also suffer serious health consequences if they consume them. Aside from causing stomach problems, it can also cause other clinical conditions like pale gums, increased heart rate, weakness, intolerance to physical activities, and even collapse. As a result, rather than wondering if dogs can eat chives, you should avoid including this herb in your dog’s diet.

What to do if your dog eats chives? 

If you notice that your dog has consumed chives, you should take him to the vet right away rather than waiting for symptoms to appear. This is due to the fact that symptoms and allergic reactions can take several days to manifest. Drooling, abdominal pain, irritated mouth, and anorexia are some of the allergic symptoms. If the poison is still present in the stomach, the vet will attempt to induce vomiting in order to rid your dog of it. In severe cases, medications to relieve stomach discomfort are administered to alleviate the situation.


Dogs are naturally inquisitive creatures who nibble on all sorts of things they shouldn’t. Even though chives are not on the list of foods that are fatal to dogs, eating a lot of them can be bad for their health. As a result, it is recommended that you keep your dog out of reach.

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