Once we were making tea and used cardamom in that. One cardamom was dropped on the ground unknowingly. That time our dog ate the cardamom from the ground accidentally. We had to take him to the vet as we were worried and panicked.
Table could not be displayed.At last, the vet checked our dog and said he is fine. So, can dogs eat cardamom?
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Can dogs eat cardamom?
Yes, dogs can eat cardamom. There are many spices that dogs can eat like ginger, parsley, basil, turmeric etc. A dog can also eat cardamom but only give them a very small amount. If you see symptoms that it’s affecting them badly. Then you should call a vet and ask them for advice. You should always take the advice of vets before giving any spice to your dog.
Health benefits of cardamom for dogs
There are some health benefits of cardamoms that can help your dog. Cardamom can help them with any urinary tract infection. It’s a natural herb and it has antibacterial effects that can help with many common health problems like indigestion, diarrhoea and constipation. It can soothe your pets coughs and nausea. It gives an appetite to the dog if they are not eating well.
Why can cardamom be bad for dogs?
Can dogs eat cardamom, well yes of course.
Cardamoms are a safe spice herb for the dog but you should give a very small amount. Cardamom can have a laxative effect on a dog.
f given in a larger amount it can affect a dog negatively. Never give your dogs foods like Curry or curry masala even if it has cardamom. These things also consist of many other spices that can harm your dog’s health.
How to feed cardamom to dogs?
Dogs don’t wanna eat cardamom normally as it has a strong smell. Dogs don’t like things that have a strong smell so you can use a small amount of cardamom to flavour their food. Homemade dog cookies, biscuits or treats can be flavoured with a minimum amount of cardamom or cardamom essential oils.
How many cardamoms should a dog get?
Normally if you want to give your dog cardamom, don’t give it directly as a whole pod it can be smelly and hard to chew. Make cardamom water or tea by adding some cardamom to water and boiling it. Then cool it and drain the cardamoms so you can add the water to your pet’s food. This way it will affect perfectly without causing any allergic effect.
What foods can you give to your dog instead of cardamom?
Almost all Herbs are good for humans but not all herbs are good for dogs. You can give your dog other herbs if they don’t like cardamom. You can give cinnamon twig or ginger as an alternative.
Cinnamon twigs can treat any fungal infections and indigestions. It can warm their blood and can help them with fevers. It can help if you add some amount with mixing in their food.
Ginger can be used as an alternative as it has antibacterial properties. It can help with colds, fever, and cough. It can boost their immune system.
Are dogs allergic to cardamom?
No cardamoms rarely show any allergic reaction in a dog. Pregnant dogs should not be fed cardamom. If a dog shows any allergic reactions then you can contact your vet.
What to do if your dog eats cardamom?
If it doesn’t show any effects on them then it’s fine. Still to make sure if they are okay or not. A Checkup with a vet is recommended.
Many vets prescribe cardamoms for dogs as they can help a dog with many health issues naturally.
Can diabetic dogs eat cardamom?
Yes, it’s safe for a diabetic dog to eat cardamom. Still, you should take suggestions from your vet before giving any cardamom to your diabetic dog.
At the end of the day, a dog can be fed some specific spices. Before making any decision or change in your dog’s diet, make sure to ask your veterinarian’s opinion. Even after that, if you notice any health issues after feeding them cardamoms