The oyster is one of the most popular sea-foods with amazing health benefits. Though people love oysters, the main question that the pet owners ask is – can dogs eat oysters?
Table could not be displayed.As you enjoy the sea foods, dogs too love having scrumptious meals comprised of meats or sea foods. Whenever I have dinner and if I have oysters, my pup will start drooling. Yes, that is funny but this has led me to wonder if dogs can consume oysters. To know more about it read on.
Can dogs eat oysters?
Yes, oysters are completely safe for the dogs! So, your dogs can eat oysters. In fact, these oysters are low in calories and contain beneficial nutrients that can be great for your pup. Also, the oysters are one of the best sources for omega-3 fatty acids, protein and other essential minerals such as iron, selenium and zinc. All these healthy nutrients can help your pet dog by providing an overall healthy diet.
While omega-3 fatty acid can boost all the essential aspect of your pup’s health, protein helps in strengthening their muscles. Zinc in the oysters helps to make the joints much healthier and iron helps to provide better level of energy. Last but definitely one of the most important mineral present in oysters is selenium which helps in boosting the thyroid health. It also helps in enhancing the immune system of your pet too.
Health benefits of oysters for dogs
As explained above, including oysters in your dog’s meal can enhance the health benefits of their meal. Yes, these oysters have some amazing health benefits for your dogs that you must know about. Here are some of the benefits that oysters have to offer for your dog:
Better immune system: You must include foods in the dog’s diet that can enhance their immune system. The oysters can successfully do that and help the dogs to fight against common problems and diseases.
Strong muscles and joints: As the dogs grow older, their joints and muscles can start to get weaker. In order to ensure that the dogs have strong muscles and joints, given them oysters. The zinc and protein present in the oysters help to strengthen their joints and muscles efficiently.
Better energy level: If your dog is low on energy level, then you must include oysters to their diet. The oysters can provide extra energy to the dogs.
How to feed oysters to dog?
After the main question about – can dogs eat oysters, the next most popular question is – how to feed oysters to dogs. Well, you must know that before giving the oysters to your dogs to eat, you have removed the shells completely and cook it properly. Consumption of raw oysters can be harmful at times. The best way to feed oysters to your pup is fully cooked and in right moderation. You can also give single-cooked oysters to your pup as a special treat or snack.
Your dog must be able to get all the essential nutrients that the oysters have to offer. So, don’t overcook them as overcooking can destroy the nutrients from the food. If you are just starting to feed your dog with oysters, then start gradually. Give them only one oyster at first just to be sure that your pup is fine with it and not having any kind of allergic reaction or any stomach issues.
Are dogs allergic to oysters?
There is a possibility that dogs can be allergic to oysters. If you know that your dog is allergic to oysters, avoid it at any cost. If you are not sure, then feed them a properly cooked oyster and wait for a day to notice any allergic reactions or stomach upset.
If your dog is allergic to oysters and eats an oyster by mistake, then do not panic. Call the veterinarian immediately for the right solution or you can even visit the specialist. They can provide immediate medication to calm down the allergies.
Do you have to remove the shell of oysters before feeding your dog?
Yes, you must remove the entire shell of the oysters. The oyster shells are not at all safe for the dogs and you will not want to share these with them. The shell of the oysters can cause a blockage in the stomach or intestine of your dog causing health issues. In case your dog has accidentally consumed a shell, then make sure to visit the vet right away.
This is the complete detailed information about the question – can dogs eat oysters? Well, you need to follow all the instructions and important points mentioned above thoroughly to let your dog consume oysters without any problem. After all, oysters are quite healthy and beneficial to your pet.