It’s natural to want to spoil your dog by giving him table scraps or your favorite people food snack instead of a dog treat. After all, if it’s safe for you to eat it, it’s got to be safe for your dog to eat, right? What about oranges? Can dogs eat oranges?
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Can dogs eat oranges?
Oranges are completely safe for dogs to eat, whether you’re eating an orange and dropped a piece on the floor, and your dog ate it before you could blink, or you’re looking for a new, healthy, and tasty treat for your pup to enjoy. There is nothing toxic in oranges for dogs, and they are actually packed with health benefits.
Health benefits of oranges for dogs
The health benefits of oranges for humans are very similar to those for dogs. Oranges are high in vitamin C, fiber, and potassium, so including some juicy oranges in your dog’s diet every now and then will be beneficial. All of these vitamins have the potential to boost your dog’s immune system and are likely to be a flavor experience they’ve never had before (it’s not like meat and biscuits!).
However, unlike humans, dogs produce vitamin C naturally within their bodies, so making an effort to increase their intake of vitamin C is unnecessary.
How to feed oranges to your dog
Peel the orange first. Orange skin is harmful to dogs. While it is not toxic and will not harm your dog in this way, it is harsh on their digestive system and may cause them to not digest properly or cause a blockage. Consider feeding an orange to a toddler in the same way you would feed an orange to your dog. Remove the peel, any seeds, and any excess pith. Seeds and pith can become a choking hazard if your dog eats food quickly. After you’ve completed all of these steps, your dog will have a safe and healthy, juicy treat!
Be aware that not all dogs will enjoy the color orange. There’s a good chance your dog will snub you. This is because many dogs dislike citrus, and oranges are a member of the citrus family.
If your dog doesn’t enjoy oranges, it’s not missing anything from its diet.
Can oranges be bad for dogs?
Too much orange can be harmful to dogs. Your dog shouldn’t eat an entire orange every day. A segment or two of an orange is sufficient and recommended. It won’t hurt to drop a segment of an orange into your drooling dog’s mouth if you have one for morning tea.
The sugar content of oranges is another reason to limit their consumption by your dogs. Fruit is high in sugar, which also means it is high in calories and, if consumed in excess, can lead to weight gain. Orange is only a treat for a dog, not a meal replacement.
Keep your dog’s size in mind as well; a Chihuahua will require far less orange than a German Sheppard, who can consume far more.
Give your dog a small piece of orange for the first time and observe how they react. You don’t want a puppy who has an upset stomach all night.
Get creative with how you feed your dog orange.
If you live in a hot climate, consider freezing a wedge or two of orange so your dog can enjoy chewing on the frozen treat. Your dog will get to enjoy the flavor of the orange while also staying cool and playing.
When it comes to orange juice, avoid giving it to your dog. Your dog does not require any liquid other than water in his or her diet, and orange juice is extremely high in sugar. So stick to the fruit and stay away from the juice.
What foods can you give to your dog in place oranges?
As an alternative to oranges, you can give your dog other fruits such as cantaloupe, cucumbers, blueberries, and watermelon.
Can dogs eat oranges – our verdict!
Think of feeding your dog orange as a sweet, juicy treat. You don’t need to add it permanently into their diet, but if you have a fruit platter with friends, you can share it with your little furry buddy.