It’s the weekend, and it’s time to watch the latest episodes of the Batwoman TV series. As I plan to binge-watch, I wash and prepare a dish of fresh figs and place a jug of water nearby to ensure I stay sated and hydrated.
As I start watching with the bowl of figs on my lap, I see my Boston terrier sniffing around. My terrier starts to stare at me as I eat my first fig and continuously follows my arm movements from the bowl to my mouth as I eat. I start giggling because I know what my dog wants. Almost immediately, my dog rushes to my side and starts giving me the puppy eyes treatment.
Should I feed my terrier this fruit? Can dogs eat figs?
Figs are safe and even healthy for dogs when provided in moderate amounts. However, you should avoid dried and cooked figs as they tend to have higher concentrations of sugar that can cause weight issues and even diabetes.
Health benefits of figs for dogs
Figs contain natural sugars that help to energize your dog without causing a sugar crush. The digestion of natural sugars is slower than processed sugars, meaning your dog will receive energy steadily over time and will remain reenergized for longer. This fruit also has high dietary fiber content and can help regulate your canine’s bowel movements and avert chronic constipation. The high fiber content provided by figs can assist in managing your dog’s weight as they will stay sated for longer and reduce food consumption. Figs can also help regulate your dog’s blood pressure due to their high potassium concentration. Potassium works in the dog’s ion channels and eases tension in blood vessel cells.
Why can figs be harmful to dogs?
Feeding your furry friend too much fiber will result in faster food movement within the digestive tract, and you will start observing loose stool or diarrhea. Figs also contain some enzymes, which are harsh on your canine’s stomach and can cause an upset stomach.
If you feed your dog too many figs, they may develop diabetes, arthritis, and pancreatitis due to excessive sugar intake. Growing fig trees in your backyard can pose another health risk to your canine. Fig tree leaves are acutely toxic to dogs and other pets. Your dog shouldn’t even come into contact with fig tree leaves as they irritate their skin and cause allergic reactions.
How to feed figs to dogs?
Dogs should always consume figs in tiny quantities, and you should never give a whole fig to your canine. Your dog may decide to gobble up the fig, which can cause choking.
Consider cutting the figs into pieces that roughly measure the size of your thumb’s tip. Also, start by feeding your canine a few fig pieces and gauging their reaction for 24-48 hours.
Can dogs be allergic to figs?
The dog may be allergic to figs, and you might not know it.
Some allergy warning signs associated with figs include excessive salivation, skin inflammation, coughing, vomiting, and wheezing. What to do when your dog eats? If you notice any of these allergy manifestations, kindly rush your canine to your Vet. The veterinarian will diagnose your dog’s allergic reaction and advise you on the ideal course of action.
How many figs should my dog eat?
Although you should only feed your dog small fig pieces, they shouldn’t consume more than 2 fig fruits, and you should limit fig consumption to twice a week. What foods can dogs eat instead of figs? If you provide high-quality commercial dog food, your canine will receive all the necessary fiber, minerals, vitamins, and other nutrients. Hence, you won’t have to supplement your furry friend’s diet with figs.
However, if your canine only consumes a raw meat diet or home-cooked meals, you can introduce fiber into their diet by using figs as a supplement.
Can diabetic dogs eat figs?
Since figs are rich in sugars, you wonder whether your diabetic dog can eat them. This fruit is ok for diabetic dogs but in small quantities. This way, your diabetic canine can enjoy the fig’s health benefits, such as maintaining a healthy weight without escalating their diabetes. Also, the natural sugars provided by figs are a healthier and better alternative to processed sugars found in most dog treats.
So, can dogs eat figs?
Yes, but only in tiny quantities.